Our Favourite Workout Music

Our Favourite Workout Music

Whatever your fitness goals or diet plans, there's likely one thing that unites every single gym go-er... At Workout, it's belonging to a family-friendly club that is non-judgemental, non-intimidating, and celebrates everyone: regardless of physical fitness, shape, size, age, gender, etc..

Oh wait... MUSIC. Yes, that's where we were going with this post ;)

And even if you haven't brought your own headphones, you'll hear some of the best pumped up tunes playing over our speaker system. So, you're probably wondering... is there any benefit to be derived from listening to music while you're at the gym?


Today, we're exploring several different benefits you can expect whilst listening to music at the gym!

  1. Research suggests that listening to music can improve your mood - just be sure to kick it with upbeat tunes during your workout!
  2. Try using your musical selections to help you keep a steady pace during a run or similar cardio activity.
  3. An obvious one, music can help motivate and push you to keep going and crush your workout!
  4. Music can help you get into "the zone" - it's much easier to be distracted with the stressors of daily life when you're not captivated by music during your workout!
  5. Music gets you moving! A get-up-and-go attitude can be exactly what you need to energise your next visit to the gym, helping you stay focused on what you're doing.
  6. Helps lower anxiety and stress - which may impact your ability to work at your fullest potential!
  7. Listening to music can help you lose track of time, allowing you to fully utilise your "me-time" at the gym.
  8. Turn off the world around you! Goodbye people chatting. Goodbye TV's blaring. Goodbye machine noises. Having minimal distractions is one of the keys to success - so plug in, turn everything else off, focus on your workout, and create your own little personal space!
  9. Not only are you giving your body a workout, you're engaging your brain! Professor Daniel J. Levitin writes "musical activity involves nearly every region of the brain that we know about, and nearly every neural subsystem" in his book This Is Your Brain On Music. Part of your brain decodes the pitch and tempo, while other parts are stimulated by catchy lyrics.
  10. Exercise becomes more fun! If you're one of those people that gets easily bored, remember that an incredible playlist can transform your workout from boring to something you actually look forward to!


  • Pop Warm-Up 130 BPM - a short playlist of dance tunes designed to help you get your heart rate right up to 130 BPM
  • Running UK - whether you're just going for a leisurely run, or a training for something longer... these are the best running tunes!
  • Motivation Mix - a mix of energetic and uplifting music to motivate you to crush your workout!
  • Rap Workout - rap music your favourite? Big rap here for big reps. Get moving!
  • Yoga and Meditation - let's not forget about a very important aspect of health and fitness: providing a calming environment, relaxing, stretching, and energising your mind.
  • Cardio Hits - upbeat dance pop to keep your heart (and workout) pumping!

For a thoughtful selection of even more empowering gym hits, check out the "Workout" category on the Spotify "browse" feature!

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