See individual Venues for their specific Terms and Conditions which override these
- You will pay your membership fees on a rolling monthly basis by Direct Debit.
- You will pay a one off £15 joining fee (Workout Bristol Ltd reserves the right to change this at any time)
- In addition to your monthly membership fee you will pay an annual development fee.
- By providing an email address members consent to receiving emails from Workout Bristol.
- You must inform a member of staff if you feel that any piece of equipment within the gym is unsafe for use or if you have any other concerns whatsoever.
- Opening hours and access are subject to change.
- Abuse of membership, i.e. not paying fees when due, continued incorrect use of equipment, verbal or physical abuse of staff or members, will result in the cancellation of your membership immediately and any outstanding fee's, costs from damage or legal fees will be sought from you via our collection agency.
- Workout Bristol has the right to refuse your application for membership.
- During your membership, monthly fees must be paid regardless of whether you use the facility.
- Memberships are non-transferable.
- We may suspend or cancel your membership at any time if;
- You seriously or repeatedly break these terms and conditions, the terms and conditions of use, or the membership agreement.
- You or your guests use rude or abusive language or violent behaviour at any of our clubs, or if your behaviour puts our other members or team members at risk from harm or affects their interests in some way.
- If we end or cancel your membership for any of the reasons listed here, we will not refund your bank and administration fee, starter payments or monthly subscription.
- You consent to us collecting your demographic and interest data, as well as more general data. We use this to check that we are marketing to the correct demographic of people and not for any other reason.
- You consent to us storing cookies on your computer to log you in, and to send you emails from time to time.
- You are expected to treat the club, its staff and its equipment with respect. Failure to do so will result in your membership being cancelled.
- All members must be above 16 years of age. However, we do also offer a restricted ‘Parent Supervised’ membership for 14 & 15 year old’s (Please speak to our in-house team for more information on this).
- We will provide you with a free group or online induction to show you how to use the equipment safely. However, you can choose to ‘opt out’ of this induction when signing up for a membership. If you opt out of an induction, In doing so you are agreeing that it is your legal responsibility to be fully responsible for your own safety whilst using the equipment. Workout Bristol Ltd cannot be held liable for any injuries caused whilst using the equipment. If you wish to have further guidance please, contact one of the trainers regarding a personal programme or indeed personal training.
- By law, we do not have to pay you compensation for any service, facility or equipment not being available because of health and safety reasons or where it is for the benefit of your membership.
- By law, we do not have to pay you compensation for loss or damage you may suffer unless we fail to carry out our duties under these terms and conditions to a reasonable standard or break any duties we have to carry out by law.
- We will not compensate you if we have failed to carry out our duties due to:
- a fault of your own;
- a third party not connected with providing our services under these terms and conditions;
- or events which we could not have known about beforehand even if we had taken all reasonable care.
If you have, or have experienced any of the following conditions, or you know of any other reason you should not exercise or increase your physical activity you must notify us by email at;
- A Doctor/Medical professional has diagnosed you with a heart condition and indicated you should restrict your physical activity.
- You have experienced chest pain in the past month.
- You have an injury or orthopaedic condition (such as a back, hip, or knee problem) that may worsen due to a change in your physical activity.
- You are pregnant.
- When you perform physical activity you feel pain in your chest.
- You faint, get dizzy or lose your balance when exercising.
- You have high blood pressure or a heart condition that a doctor/medical professional is currently prescribing medicine.
- You have insulin dependent diabetes.
You warrant, declare and acknowledge that:
- The personal health information given by you when registering for your membership is correct and can be relied upon by us.
- Our staff, agents and subcontractors are not medically trained, and should you have any concerns with your health and fitness you should seek independent medical advice before engaging in any physical activity on our premises.
- You are in good health and are not knowingly incapable of engaging in either active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to your health, safety, comfort, wellbeing or physical condition. Furthermore, you will advise us immediately should your health or vulnerability to injury change.
4. You are primarily responsible for your own safety, health and wellbeing
5. Whilst we will respect your decision over your training regime, we reserve the right to ask you not to exercise beyond what we reasonably believe to be your personal ability.
- You have read and understood this agreement and all the Terms and Conditions before accepting them when signing up for a membership.
- This agreement will become binding upon both parties once you have checked the "I confirm that I have read and agree to The Workout Bristol Ltd Health Agreement" box and the "Continue to CONFIRM PAYMENT" button has been clicked.
- We ask for just a 4 week notice period if you need to cancel your subscription, this allows you to cancel and restart your membership with us hassle free and as often as you like.
- If you pay by standing order, it is your responsibility to cancel the standing order with your bank at a time which is convenient to you. Workout Bristol WILL NOT refund membership fees due to non-cancellation of standing orders.
- To cancel your membership at Workout Ashton please login to your online account, click the 'Change account details' tab and follow the instructions
- To cancel your membership at Workout Harbourside please email