The quick warm up & cool down routine everyone can find time for
So you have made it to the gym, ready and eager to workout. Do you rush to find your first piece of equipment or spend 5-10 mins slowly warming up your body in preparation for your chosen exercise? I know I am often guilty of choosing the first option, but there are plenty of reasons why we should all be making time to properly warm up and cool down every time we exercise. If you are avoiding it because you think you don’t have enough time or aren’t sure where to start, here I give you a straightforward routine that won’t take up lots of time or require any equipment.
Disclaimer: I have chosen to write about this topic to give myself a little shove in the right direction and make sure I create the time and space to look after my body when working out, if you also benefit from the following information then that is an added bonus.
Why is Warming Up Important?
Warming up prepares our body for the work we are about to ask it to do for us. Warm muscles can contract more efficiently and generate more power, leading to potential faster reaction times and improved coordination during your workout. Performing some gentle movements and light cardio before you launch into your workout can help increase blood flow and muscle temperature. This can improve the range of motion in your joints, making them more flexible and less prone to stiffness and potential injury. When you really think about it, finding 10-15mins to reap all these benefits for your body doesn’t sound so difficult.
What to include in your warm-up
1. Light Cardio
Choose from 5-10 mins on a piece of cardio equipment, or if there are none available then gently raise your heart rate by going for a brisk walk or doing some skipping or star jumps. This could be as simple as your walk or cycle to get to the gym.
2. Dynamic Stretching
Choose from movements like leg swings, squats or lunges, arm circles and marching high knees. My three go-to movements are cat/cow, inchworms and hip openers with a torso twist, 10 reps of each for 3 rounds. If you would like to see how to perform these movements you can head to the Workout Ashton social media for a video guide
3. Workout Specific Movements
If you are performing a cardio workout then this is the time to gradually increase the intensity until you reach your desired working speed. For weight training you can perform sets of the movement you'll be doing using a lighter weight, gradually increasing to your working weight.
Once you are fully warmed up go ahead and complete your chosen workout, remembering to feel suitably pleased with yourself for making that extra time to properly prepare your body.
Don’t Forget to Make Time to Cool Down
At the end of your workout it’s time to cool down, so make sure you set aside another 5-15 mins to give your body the attention it deserves after all that hard work. Taking the time to cool down can help your body transition back to a resting state gently, allowing your heart rate and blood pressure to gradually return to their normal levels.
Static stretching during the cool-down phase can help to lengthen muscles, improving flexibility and range of motion. Gradually transitioning back to a resting state to help reduce the risk of muscle cramps, strains, or other injuries. A small price to pay to potentially avoid those 48hr doms*.
Quick Ways to Effectively Cool Down
1. Light Cardio
Gradually lower your heart rate and body temperature by reducing the intensity of your exercise or doing some light cardio after weight training, again this could be your walk back home after the gym.
2. Static Stretching
Focusing on the major muscle groups you have been using, perform some static stretches for 15-30 seconds each, take deep smooth breaths whilst holding your stretch. We have some examples on the Workout Ashton social media but the options are really broad with these types of stretches so please do talk to a member of gym staff if you need some direction.
I hope after reading this you feel inspired to try some of these movements and make the time to properly warm up and cool down your body when you workout. If, like me, you are trying to build some positive fitness habits, and would like to add "regularly warming up and cooling down when working out” to your to-do list, then remember the importance of consistency. Plan in the extra time needed into your exercise routine and have an idea of what you are going to do for each one. If you need some inspiration then take a look at the video guides we have made for our social media or speak to one of the staff at Workout Ashton.
*delayed onset muscle soreness