Induction Videos
Any member under the age of 18 must watch the online induction videos that we have provided and then confirm that you have done so by clicking the button at the bottom of the screen.
By clicking the button you are confirming that you have watched the induction videos and that you fully understand how to safely and correctly use all of the exercise equipment at Workout Ashton.
Furthemore, you accept full liability for any injuries that may be caused as a result of using any of the gym equipment at Workout Ashton in an unsafe or irresponsible manner, and you further agree to indemnify The Workout Bristol Ltd from any insurance claims that may arise as a result of such injuries.
Youth Membership Signup Rules
- All youth members must be signed up by their parent / guardian
- The parent/ guardian must sign off to confirm that he/she fully understands that the youth member must always be accompanied by a parent / guardian or a responsible adult (18 yrs +) when attending the gym and that the person accompanying the junior member must also be a member.
- The parent must provide all of the information required for the youth member to sign up i.e Full name, address, DOB, health questionnaire etc
- The parent/guardian must also provide all of his/her details i.e Full name, address, DOB etc
- The parent must provide all of the details for any other responsible adult that the youth member may be accompanied by when using the gym i.e Full name, address, DOB etc (This person must also be a member of the gym)
- The parent must sign off that he/she, the youth member and the responsible adult (if required) have all fully watched all of the online induction videos and that they accept full responsibility for any injuries that may be caused to the child when attending the gym.
- Abductor Adductor
- Extension Hamstring Curl
- Leg Press
- Linear Hack Squat
- Standing Calf Raise
- Arc Trainer
- Assault Bike
- Cross Trainer
- Recumbent Bike
- Rowing Machine
- Self Propelled Treadmill
- Sparc Trainer
- Spin Exercise Bike
- Stationary Bike
- Stepper
- Treadmill
- Cable Curl Tricep Pushdown
- Chest and Shoulder Press
- Dip Assist Pullup Assist
- Lat Pulldown Low Row
- Lateral Raise
- Pec Deck
- Preacher Curl
- Rear Delts
- Seated Row